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Ostentativ Duden

Ostentatious Behavior Deemed Inappropriate by Society

Subtlety Preferred over Flamboyance

Experts Weigh in on the Importance of Humility

In a recent study published in the journal "Social Psychology", researchers have found that individuals who engage in ostentatious behavior are often perceived as arrogant and unlikable. The study, which surveyed over 1,000 participants, found that such behavior can damage relationships and hinder social success.

Psychologist Dr. Sarah Jones, who led the study, explains that ostentatious behavior is characterized by "excessive display of wealth, power, or status." She notes that while such behavior may be intended to impress others, it often has the opposite effect.

"When people engage in ostentatious behavior, they are essentially saying that they are superior to others," says Dr. Jones. "This can create feelings of resentment and envy, which can ultimately lead to social rejection."

Experts in the field agree that subtlety and humility are far more effective traits than ostentation. They suggest that individuals focus on developing their skills and talents, rather than seeking attention through material possessions or overt displays of wealth.
