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Current Prime Minister With A Controversial Legacy

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu: Israel's 9th Prime Minister

Current Prime Minister with a Controversial Legacy

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, the current and ninth Prime Minister of Israel, has been a prominent figure in Israeli politics for decades. Born in Tel Aviv on October 21, 1949, Netanyahu has held the position of Prime Minister since 2009, except for a brief period from 2021 to 2022. Known for his hawkish stance on national security and his conservative economic policies, Netanyahu has faced both praise and scrutiny throughout his tenure.

Early Life and Career

Netanyahu's father, Benzion Netanyahu, was a renowned historian specializing in medieval Jewish history. His mother, Tzila Netanyahu, was a writer and editor. Netanyahu received a degree in architecture and business management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and later served as captain in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Political Rise

Netanyahu entered politics in the 1980s, serving as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and then Ambassador to the United Nations. In 1996, he was elected Prime Minister for the first time. During his first term, Netanyahu implemented economic reforms and pursued a peace process with the Palestinians.

Return to Power and Controversies

After losing the election in 1999, Netanyahu returned to power in 2009. His subsequent terms have been marked by a focus on security and the pursuit of peace with Arab states. However, Netanyahu has also faced criticism over his handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, settlements in the West Bank, and allegations of corruption.

Current Status and Investigation

In 2021, Netanyahu lost the election to Naftali Bennett, ending his 12-year reign as Prime Minister. However, he returned to power in 2022 as part of a broad coalition government. Currently, Netanyahu is facing a trial for alleged corruption, including bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. The outcome of the trial could have significant implications for his political future.
